Ethereum is a decentralized and open blockchain platform that anybody can use to run decentralized and open apps. Ether, the commodity used to compensate miners for confirming transactions on the…
Blockchain technology is one of the most impactful innovations of the 21st century. Created to support cryptocurrency trading, it powers multiple digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others. The…
During the last few years, Blockchain has gone from being merely an interesting buzzword to a lucrative new avenue for the world’s collective digital infrastructure. Its tremendous potential has the…
Bitcoin is the world’s first cryptocurrency. It came along as the disruptive innovator that has sparked a revolution that can completely transform the face of global financial markets. Bitcoin laid…
Did you know that the first official transaction made using Bitcoin as a currency was for two pizzas sold by a pizzeria in Jackson, Florida? The person purchased two pizzas…
Becoming a cryptocurrency trader is all the rage in the investment world today. Many cryptocurrency traders have already amassed massive fortunes, and that is attracting more and more new people…
It has been planned to have a release of crypto-to-crypto trading system some time this year. However, a new crypto exchange service registered with the government.
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The phenomenon of multiple ICOs is no longer shocking, so it is only natural that investors start differentiating a bad ICO from the good ones faster.
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With the country being the world's number one trader, the government decided to launch a platform for identity and supply-chain tracking based on blockchain.
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